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    Elise Mertens 結果共11筆

  • 謝淑薇奧運搭擋「這時間」會確定 網協:張開雙手歡迎她

    謝淑薇今年在澳網屢屢締造驚奇,先是拿下混雙冠軍,28日又攜手比利時老搭檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)拿下女雙冠軍,昨(30)天謝淑薇宣布,將會重新披上國家隊戰袍,代表中華台北出戰巴黎奧運,謝淑薇提到,「我將可以使用世界雙打排名前十奧運規則,任意挑選世界排名前三百的選手為巴黎奧運的雙打搭檔」,且表示「奧運我將會從台灣的單打好手裡,挑選適合的搭檔」。《TVBS新聞網》詢問中華民國網球協會關於巴黎奧運參賽資格,秘書長王凌華表示,參賽資格6月後待排名確定,將會徵詢她的意見,「網協絕對尊重她,也張開雙手歡迎她。」
    2024/01/31 15:16
  • 謝淑薇出戰巴黎奧運!搭檔須符合「2條件」 有這8人可選

    謝淑薇今年在澳網屢屢締造驚奇,先是拿下混雙冠軍,28日又攜手比利時老搭檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)拿下女雙冠軍,昨(30)天謝淑薇宣布,將會重新披上國家隊戰袍,代表中華台北出戰巴黎奧運。謝淑薇提到,「將會以前十的雙打世界排名,前進巴黎奧運。這也意味著,我將可以使用世界雙打排名前十奧運規則,任意挑選世界排名前三百的選手為巴黎奧運的雙打搭檔。」
    2024/01/31 11:03
  • 謝淑薇「重披國家隊戰袍」 喊話球迷:巴黎奧運見

    「台灣網球一姐」謝淑薇日前才剛在澳網拿下混雙冠軍,28日又攜手比利時搭檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)擊敗對手拿下女雙冠軍,寫下台灣史上首位在同屆大滿貫囊括雙料雙打冠軍的紀錄。才剛結束這場「傳奇之旅」的謝淑薇,今(30)日稍早則發文透露,將重新披上國家隊戰袍,「巴黎奧運見」。
    2024/01/30 19:59
  • Hsieh Su-wei triumphs at Australian Open

    Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei and Belgium’s Elise Mertens won the Australian Open women’s doubles championship on Jan. 28. This victory is notable as Hsieh is only the third player in the past 24 years to win both the women’s and mixed doubles titles at the Australian Open. At 38 years and 24 days old, Hsieh is the second-oldest women’s doubles champion in Grand Slam history, just eight days younger than U.S. record holder Lisa Raymond. After an 18-month break due to injury, Hsieh made a triumphant return in 2023, winning the Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. Hsieh and Mertens defeated Lyudmyla Kichenok from Ukraine and Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia in the women’s doubles final with a score of 6-1, 7-5. Hsieh has a total of eight Grand Slam trophies, including seven titles in women’s doubles, but is yet to win a title at the U.S. Open.
    2024/01/29 14:38
  • 澳網/謝淑薇女雙封后!拍落法網冠軍 「雙冠」創24年神紀錄

    台灣「網球一姊」謝淑薇今(28)日中午12點和比利時老搭檔梅丹絲(Elise Mertens)攜手出戰澳網女雙冠軍戰,對手為烏克蘭琪切諾克(Lyudmyla Kichenok)和拉脫維亞歐絲塔潘珂(Jelena Ostapenko)組合,其中歐絲塔潘珂是2017年法網女單冠軍,謝淑薇組合穩住陣腳,以6:1、7:5直落二拿下女雙冠軍。
    2024/01/28 13:49
  • 澳網/謝淑薇拚大滿貫雙冠后就在今日 挑戰賽史24年神紀錄

    台灣「網球一姊」謝淑薇和波蘭選手傑林斯基(Jan Zielinski)首度聯手,以6:7、6:4、11:9擊敗賽會2號種子、英國與美國組合斯庫普斯基與柯拉芙奇珂,成功奪下2024年澳洲網球公開賽混雙冠軍。今日中午12點謝淑薇將和比利時老搭檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)攜手,力拚女雙冠軍,對手為烏克蘭琪切諾克(Lyudmyla Kichenok)、拉脫維亞歐絲塔潘珂(Jelena Ostapenko),若奪冠,就會是繼2000年的史塔布絲(Rennae Stubbs)後,首位在單屆澳網奪得混雙、女雙雙料冠軍的選手。
    2024/01/28 09:49
  • Hsieh Su-wei clinches Grand Slam mixed doubles title

    Taiwanese tennis champion Hsieh Su-wei clinched her first Grand Slam mixed doubles title at the Australian Open, becoming the first Taiwanese player to reach the championship round in both women’s and mixed doubles. Teaming up with Polish player Jan Zieliński, Hsieh fought hard in a three-set match against American second seed Desirae Krawczyk and Brit Neal Skupski, ultimately prevailing with a score of 6:7, 6:4, 11:9. This historic victory grants Hsieh a prize of AUD $165,000. In addition to her mixed doubles success, Hsieh and her Belgian partner Elise Mertens also advanced to the championship round in women’s doubles. With six Grand Slam women’s doubles trophies already under her belt, Hsieh will vie for her seventh career win on Sunday. The women’s doubles champions will receive AUD$730,000, while the runners-up will be awarded AUD$400,000. Hsieh’s remarkable achievements have left an enduring impact on Taiwanese tennis history.
    2024/01/26 12:57
  • 謝淑薇殺進澳網女雙冠軍戰 力拚大滿貫第7冠

    2024/01/25 15:31
  • Hsieh Su-wei wins 3rd women’s doubles title at Wimbledon

    Hsieh Su-wei of Taiwan and Barbora Strycova of the Czech Republic won their second Wimbledon doubles title as a pairing by beating Elise Mertens of Belgium and Storm Hunter of Australia 7-5, 6-4 on Sunday (July 16) on Centre Court.
    2023/07/17 17:14
  • 謝淑薇女雙封后! 攜手比利時名將「台比聯軍」奪冠

    2021/10/17 07:54
  • 芝加哥網賽 謝淑薇晉級女雙8強

    台灣網球一姐謝淑薇與比利時女將梅丹斯(Elise Mertens)今天在芝加哥秋季經典賽女子雙打次輪,與對手激戰3盤才分出勝負,以6比4、3比6、10比6力退瑞士組合,挺進8強。
    2021/09/30 09:20
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